Public Safety & Security

Unlock unprecedented capabilities in Public Safety & Security through AI Computer Vision.

AI Computer Vision Capabilities In Public Safety & Security

Object Detection and Recognition

Identify people, vehicles, suspicious objects, and other relevant elements in real-time.

Activity Recognition

Analyse video footage to detect unusual behaviour, potential threats, and ongoing incidents.

Traffic Monitoring

Analyse traffic flow, identify congestion, and optimise traffic management strategies.

Facial Recognition

Improve security measures by identifying known individuals and managing access control.

Anomaly Detection

Flag deviations from established patterns, such as unattended packages or unauthorised loitering.

The Value Of Applying AI Computer Vision To Public Safety & Security

Enhanced Public Safety

Deter crime, improve response times, and ensure a safer environment for everyone.

Increased Operational Efficiency

Reduce manpower requirements for monitoring and free up resources for other tasks.

Data-Driven Decision Making

Utilise data collected by AI systems to optimise public safety strategies.

Reduced Costs

Save money by optimising resource allocation and preventing crime.

Enhanced Situational Awareness

By analysing video feeds in real-time, authorities can have a better understanding of what is happening in an area, enabling faster response times and improved resource allocation.

Tuba.AI: Your Gateway To Build AI Vision Models Effortlessly

Public safety concerns often go hand-in-hand with the feeling that complex solutions like AI require a team of tech experts. Thankfully, DevisionX‘s Tuba.AI platform breaks down this barrier.  This user-friendly tool empowers anyone to contribute, even without extensive AI knowledge.

Tuba.AI simplifies building custom AI computer vision models for specific public safety needs. Imagine training a model to detect suspicious activity in security footage, improving traffic flow analysis from camera data, or deterring crime by identifying unattended packages. The platform’s user-friendly interface streamlines the process – anyone can label footage, train models, and deploy them directly within Tuba.AI. This empowers individuals and communities to address their unique challenges and actively participate in building a safer environment.


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